Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Surgery day...The begining of a new me.

The Surgery Day...The Beginning of a new me.

October 27th, 2010

"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowds of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off the weight that slows us down,especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us" (Hebrews 12:1)

Holding to this Bible verse I was up and ready to start a new change in my life that day. I knew it would involve pain and emotional strain...But I also knew that God would be with me. We arrived at the hospital at 6 am. My parents, and wifey accompanied me as I made this huge plan a reality. The nurse came and took us back. I was prepped ,dressed and stuck with my IV for surgery. I met with Dr. Edwards and he went over the plan for surgery and the recovery I could expect.He said Michael this is a new beginning for you. Are you excited? I told him yes for the outcome but not for the my family and I said our goodbyes, hugs,kisses, and tears. I could see the concern in my families eyes and I to was concerned about the surgery,recovery, and new life. However, Sometimes, when those around us are panicking, you must remind them and yourself of Gods Word. Even if you are afraid, as you apply the Word of God to your situation, He will replace the treacherous infernos of life with the focus and peace. Then I was off to the O.R. On my way in I was reminded of this verse: Jesus said, "If you say to this mountain, 'Be removed and be cast into the sea,' it will be done" (Matthew 21:21) I prayed for a complete removal of the struggle with weight and for the protection and guidance I would need to get through the next few days. Mountain you must move!!! My life will never be the same...I wont let it! I know now that looking back is simply not an option.

So at 8 AM I went to the OR for surgery. I had chosen the Roux Gastric Bypass and that procedure is slotted to take 2-3 hours...My surgery took about 4 hours. After to surgery the Doctor came to let my family know that everything had went as planned. I was in recovery for an hour and a half. I vaguely remember this time however what I do remember isn't fun. I had trouble breathing and I started to hyperventilate the nurses were there calming me down and monitoring my oxygen levels and all my stats. When they were able to bring me back to reality PAIN is all I remember feeling. They wheeled me into my room where my recovery would begin. My parents were waiting for me there to support me and to make my recovery a family affair. Isaiah 58:8 says;
"Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will quickly appear; then your righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the LORD will be your rear guard." I believe God gave me this as a reminder that there was a purpose for all the pain...Healing will be quick and my story will help others as I walk through my journey. But at this time I wanted the "healing to quickly appear". lol
My pain pump was my close friend and I was in pain. I was experiencing oxygenation issues where my levels would drop really low and I faded in and out of conversing with the nurses and my parents. They kept me on 4 liters of oxygen and set by bed into a chair position in order to get me ready for normal recovery as the anesthesia began to wear off. I wanted to get up and after 3 hours of taking it easy I was off. I was really unstable and needed help getting around but I did get to walking as soon as they would let me. "Walk on, Walk on, Nothing ever stays wrong that long, Walk on,Oh walk on, Don't just stand there in the storm, Walk toward the light till you find the sun, And you'll be better off in the long run, And walk on" Reba. After my walking was over back to bed I went for one of my many naps. I will continue to blog about my hospital stay and day to day recovery,progress,and new life as the days go on. So stay tuned...

Friday, October 22, 2010

Dolly Parton - Light Of A Brand New Morning

This is the song in my heart tonight!!

I can see the light of a clear blue morning!

I can see the light of a clear blue morning!

October 22nd, 2010

"Its been a long dark night, and Ive been waiting for the morning. Its been a long hard fight, but I see a brand new day dawning. Ive been looking for the sunshine, because I haven't seen it in so long. Every things going to work out just fine. Every things going to be all right that's been all wrong. I can see the light of a clear blue morning!!!" Dolly Parton
This will most likely be my last blog until after my Gastric Bypass scheduled for Wednesday October 27, 2010. During all the meetings that I went to to prep for this huge life change they all talk about the dramatic changes that happen in a patients life both before and after the surgery. Some changes happen in people around you as well as you change for the surgery. As I have been going through this whole journey I have noticed that my outlook on life has changed as well. I am a survivor, a lover of life, a enjoyer of each day and a dreamer with plans, hopes and dreams. I am no longer waiting around to die!!! I'm getting ready to live and to live life more abundantly with a renewed sense of self, God and life. I no longer want to settle for something less than great. I know as I walk through this time of change in my life that God will not leave me, in fact he is here with me and I am closer to him now than in along time. Two scriptures are meeting me where I am at tonight. "Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge." Psalms 62:8 and "The Lord is comes close to the broken hearted; he rescues those who's spirits are crushed." Psalms 34:18

When I chose to search for a weight loss surgeon I chose LIFE!!! I am not about to halt my plans, for life to walk right across my face. I have lived this past week like it was my last. I have spent lots of time with my son . We have gone bowling,off to the park, wrestling, shopping, and done fall hay rides and such. Even though I am at times nervous about the possibility of danger that goes hand in hand with surgery I feel as though Ive been given a new lease on life so I'd better get to livin'. In Hebrews God assured us, "I'll never let you down, never walk off and leave you," so I can boldly quote: "God is there, ready to help; I'm fearless now no matter what. Who or what can get to me? Hebrews 13:5 MSG ...Don't you just love the Message version? It just makes things so relevant and now! This time for me isn't easy but I am choosing to make the best of it and enjoy every minute as if it were my last.
I visited my surgeon today for the last pre-opp consult. He says we are all set to go, everything looks great and he is very confident that this procedure will have a very positive affect on my quality of life. He says he hopes that I will start to experience life like never before...I am holding to that. To many of my years have been wasted by bad choices and masked unhappiness. No more fake smiles and candy coated lies. I'm ready to live life to the fullest. I have planned to recover post opp at my parents home on MD. This I'm sure will be good for the body, mind, and spirit. Its always good to be near your Mommy when you feel ill. I will also have time to spend on prayer and solitude while they are at work. I pray that when I return to PA that God will have given me a direct path to follow and what dream to chase first." For I know the plans I have for you,"declares the Lord", plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11 My sister Megan gave me a quote to hold to during this trying time, and I want to share it with you"In the end it will be OK, if its not OK, then its not the end." I believe this is for me at this time. I am reminded of what the counselor said a few months ago...Your life will change not just physically but emotionally and ready for it....and I am, I really am. " Ive been like a captured eagle..ya know an eagles born to fly. Now that I have found my an eagle I am eager for the sky"-Dolly Parton.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Travelin' Thru by Dolly Parton

This has been my Theme song throughout this journey...Check it out!!

Swinging through the days...

Swinging through the days....

October 19th, 2010

Well time is marching on and each day that goes by I find myself more and more nervous as well as excited in the same breath. I am ready for a new chapter in my life. I'm ready for allot of things to change not just my weight...but the other stuff will come with time. I'm just glad I decided to put one foot in front of the other and make a decision for me, about me, because of me, for my own good. Tammy Trent says: "When God is in the time of transition and change, what lies ahead is always better than what was before!" I do believe this will be true for me. I have certainly involved him in every aspect of this journey thus far and I don't see that changing any time soon. I just keep putting it in Gods hands everyday and trust that he has things under control. When I begin to fear I remember that familiar verse in Timothy "God has not given us a spirit of fear; But of power and love and of sound mind" 2nd Timothy 1:7 Fear isn't of the Lord so when I fear its the Devil coming in to confuse me and I just cant have that...Ive come Way to far for that.

I had my last pre-op visit yesterday. I did all of my admission testing and sett everything up with the anetheiseologist as well as the nutritionist. The more information I can get the more secure I feel in my decision and I got some fabulous information. It seems that the pre-op diet I have been following is Instead of 3 shakes a day I can have 6. Hello....That's why I was starving, my body was shutting down from I am still having a major problem with the cravings and feeling famished but Ive been told this goes away after the operation. In fact I might not feel hungry for months following the operation due to the nerves healing on and around my stomach. Whoo hooo!!! This will be a first. Actually I truly have never really felt full. I know that sounds crazy but its the truth. Thank God there will be change in that area.During my visit they also changed my surgery date to October 27th 2010, which is just a day later. I'm fine with that, it gives me time to master this all liquid diet the surgery I will be on clear liquids for another week so I had better get this mental demon kicked in the butt.

My son told me today while we were shooting hoops at the park " Come on Daddy! Push it! You can do it Daddy...I will help you to run faster!" What a cutie but it just broke my heart. I'm the one that is suppose to be helping and pushing him, yet clearly I cant keep up with my little buddy so in turn he feels that he has to help me. This is the main reason why I decided to go ahead with the Gastric Bypass. I cant be an active part in my sons extra curricular activities if I cant even run around a basket ball court. I told him Landon, after Daddy gets better from this surgery he will be able to beat you and win ya better brush up on your skills. He responded with "That's okay Daddy it will be nice for you to win". What a little man he is.

Since posting this blog I have been overwhelmed by the support and love I have felt from so many of you. Thank you so much. It really does mean so very much and helps me keep on trucking. Thank you so very much. I wanted to share with you a little treat that I learned from my Dad and Mom. We all know that as a Gastric patients or as healthy dieters we will all have to be consuming a ton of protein to stay happy and have energy. Well there is a product called Muscle Milk light that I purchase in Vanilla Cream. I then add a little packet of Starbucks instant coffee which is really fabulous and shake with ice. It is honestly the best Iced coffee Ive had yet,and we all know I'm an iced coffee fean. Try it you will love it.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Almost there..."Lord give me strength"!

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Almost there..."Lord give me strength"!

October 14th 2010

Well I have received clearance for surgery...Whoo Hoo!! I have had to keep pushing the surgical staff for results, appointments,and information, but I have it...My Surgery date is October 26th 2010. They did see a few issues in all that rigorous testing...I am a borderline diabetic,I have high cholesterol, and I have sleep apnea. My cardiologist thinks that the diabetes and high cholesterol will go away as I loose weight. However the sleep apnea is a serious case and needed to be treated with a Bi Pap machine. Now this machine is a royal pain in my butt and is difficult to use but, I love it!!! I haven't slept this good in years. This was a surprise along the road to complete health. I am reminded of a scripture that in essence sums up this time of trial and testing. " It seems it was good for me to go through all those troubles.Throughout them all you held tight to my lifeline. You never let me tumble over the edge unto nothing". (Isaiah 38:16)

This week has been week one of two weeks of a pre operation liquid diet that is mandatory prior to surgery. I have found it extremely hard to stick to this lovely liquid diet.The diet consists of 3 protein/slim fast shakes a day and clear liquid in between shakes. If you look through my eyes you will see my frustration. I usually consume 3000 to 4ooo calories a day as a morbidly obese American. The pre operation diet has me planned to live on less than 600 calories a day.I am starving!!! I would say that out of the 6 days that have passed I have been successful 3 days. The other days I have found myself sneaking mini meals and snaking...its been so hard! Espesually that our dear friend and fellow foodie Nanette has been visiting this week. AHHHH!!!

I realize now more than ever that I am a food addict. I have had cravings like you wouldn't believe and for things I really don't even like. I see now that when things in my life are even keel that I handle food correctly and when there crazy and out of control ,so is my eating. These are great realisations to come to now right? lol It is such a mental demon to fight and it hasn't been easy. But as Tammy Faye Messner says"A person may fall many times,But he isn't a failure until he blames somebody or someone else". I am truley going to give these next 9 days my all and pray that my mind can control my God give me strength. This comes to mind."I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength."(Philippians 4:13)

(For those who are going through this as well I have found that the cappuccino Slim fast shakes are the best,that Muscle Milk light vanilla is great and that sugar free Popsicles and jello cups are the best snacks,Vegetable broth is by favorite broth while Crystal Light has a multitude of fabulous flavors to keep you interested just a tid bit of information for ya.)

The Journey has begun..."Oh Joy".

The journey has begun..."Oh Joy"!

September 21, 2010

In Oswald Chambers devotional "My Utmost for his highest" The November 7th excerpt makes a statement: "God by His Providence brings you into circumstances that you cant understand at all, but the Spirit of God understands. God brings you to places, among people and into certain conditions to accomplish a definite purpose through intercession of the Spirit in you". The game has begun and I am so over whelmed. I find myself in a place I am totally lost and very uncomfortable...The hospital. Understand that ever since my sophomore year in high school I have hated hospitals. I think that is because my brother and sister were both diagnosed with terminal illnesses that year and we all spent quit a bit of time in them. However despite my fears and preconceived notions, I am here willingly and in the middle of the worst run of testing I can remember. I hate it!

I am doing sleep studies,Cardiology testing, Pulminology testing,Vascular testing, Gastric testing,and Mental health studies. The Barriatric surgeon says he wants to be absolutely sure that I am healthy enough to handle the trauma that surgery will entail. The doctor says that if all goes well I should expect to lose 150 lbs in the first six months. That would bring me down to a weight of 205 lbs.I can handle that ...but I secretly want to reach 175 lbs but we shall see. I have found it very hard to stay mentally and spiritually content during this time period as any result of any test could bring a hault to the whole thing, crushing my dream.

I have held to the scripture during this time as a oh so familiar guide.

" Be on your guard. Don't let the sharp edge of your expectation get dulled by the parties,eating,drinking,and shopping...Pray consistently that you will have the strength and will to make it through everything that's coming and end up on your feet before the son of man". (Luke 21:34) Oh how I needed to hear that as I walk through this time. I at times feel like I am walking alone down this road. However just when I feel abandoned, my father has been there to pick me up and walk me through this uncomfortable time just as my heavenly father has countless times before. Thanks Dad.! My Dad has been here to take me to appointments , talk me through my fears,and help out in every way imaginable. I am so glad to have the support that I do.

Standing on the edge of a new forever.

Standing on the edge of a new forever......July 10th, 2010

A dictionary defines the word "edge" in several ways but my favorite is " the point at which something is likely to begin". I have been standing here on the edge of a cliff needing to make a decision now for a while. Do I jump and end it, grab hold of a parachute and take my chances, or follow God and walk off the edge into forever.

You see I have struggled with weight issues and food addiction my whole life as I remember it. After high school I just started spiraling out of control. I have always been able to yo yo my weight around 200 to 260 for years but as life got harder and pressure increased in my life, marriage, and career my weight just climbed with it. Today I am 355 lbs...I'm absolutely mortified to type that but its the truth. For the last two years I have been contemplating weight loss surgery and after talking with multiple friends who have had the surgery and visiting a seminar tonight at Jeans hospital in Philadelphia I have decided that I will pursue this option.

I have done allot of research into the different options, cried tears of self pity, and suffered a life time of being fat. I am ready for a second chance. I am at a point now where I am miserable. I am disgusted by my appearance and burdened by its painful effects. I really feel that I am a man living in a shell. the real me is there yet honestly not able to come out. I am morbidly obese and that has robbed me and my family of the true me that is waiting inside. The late Tammy Faye Messner used to say " Life is all about whats coming,not what once was." I am claiming that today. I'm not going to lay around in the past asking "why?". I am making a decision to make a life change. I know it wont be easy but I need to put my money where my mouth is and reach out for help or I might not make it this time. I am standing on the edge tonight a place where a new forever WILL begin.

Tonight I find comfort in this verse of scripture: " Fear thou not; for I am with thee; be not dismayed; for I am thou God; I WILL strengthen thee yea, I WILL help thee; yea I WILL uphold thee with the right hand of my rightousness." Isaiah a1:10