Saturday, November 6, 2010

My on going healing process

My on going healing process...

November 7th, 2010
"Eating everything you want is not that much fun. When you live a life with no boundaries, there’s less joy. If you can eat anything you want to, what’s the fun in eating anything you want to?" - Tom Hanks

Recovery from major surgery has its ups and downs. One minute you want to curl up in a fettle position and cry and the next you feel ready to conquer the world. The last week I have experienced both and believe me I am ready for the next step in this process. I have retreated to my parents home in MD for recovery where I can focus on my healing and learning how to live, eat, and function with this new stomach of mine. My parents have been here for me 100% they have made sure the transition from hospital to home was smooth and that all the changes I have needed to make were made with support and love, also a little guidance as they have been living healthy and losing weight for about a year now...Moms almost down 100lbs...WHOO HOO!!! "Remember, we all stumble, every one of us. That's why it's a comfort to go hand in hand." - Emily Kimbrough

This week I have been taking it easy by doing allot of resting. I began this healing journey on liquids ,made the transition into solid liquids and now I am working on getting acquainted with soft foods. I have found it freeing that I cant eat as I once let myself. I can now consume about 2-4 ounces at a time. If I push it and try to for instance to sip water after I eat, I instantly have cramping and I just cant continue. I have found it hard to get past the mental changes I am going through as well. I am having phantom hunger...I'm hungry in my head ( at dinner I want a hamburger, at breakfast I want McDonald's etc) However I am not hungry in my stomach. I also feel as though my mind is morning the loss of my full appetite...Its weird and yet freeing as well. Changes are happening and as they happen chains are breaking. So as you can imagine as I am making these changes I still have temptation to pack in the food even though I cant physically handle it, the temptation is there...I just try to remember every time I am tempted to react in the same old way, I ask myself if I want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future and I am a pioneer all the way. There are only two words that will always lead me to success. Those words are yes and no. Undoubtedly, I've mastered saying yes. So I am now practicing saying no. My goals depend on it!
I have been trying to incorporate exercise slowly into my routine but as my sergeon has reminded me my surgery was a difficult one, I am pretty beat up. I am in constant pain at the 8 incision sites unless I am on my pain meds and even then it only takes the edge off. Mom and Dad have been diligent in getting me up to walk around the house and out around the block, out to the Mall and grocery store. This has also helped keep me Mom and Dad have also scheduled activities to help me relax and rejuvenate. Mom and I went shopping and we got a new sweat suit, sneakers and some protein drinks to try. Dad,Mom, and I also got pedicures which was so relaxing and felt so good and rejuvenating.I cant wait to get to the gym and start a work out routine. As we all know the more I work out the better results I will see. There is so much to get involved in and so much I cant wait to do...Im so ready to "get to livin"
I have been working hard at following my directions and eating only the foods on my Dr's instructions...its not been easy but it has paid off as of yesterday I have lost 30 lbs...Woot Woot!!! I really am beginning to notice the weight loss in my face and chest. I of course cant wait to see more. I have really been getting allot of support from others on the losers bench which has really helped me in pushing through these first two weeks. My parents had a friend of theirs come and talk with me she had the Roux and Y Gastric Bypass as I have and she dropped over 150 lbs in 7-8 months... she went from a size 24 to a size 0. She looks simply amazing,She is in her fourth year post op and is living life to the fullest. Her story is so inspiring. I have yet to throw up...praise God!!!! Everyone says it will happen...but hopefully after my incisions heal. My belly looks wicked beat up and hurts often but it sure looks better than it did immediately post op. I have made it through all of my required injections of blood thinner with no blood clots. I have also worked on regulating my Bi Polar meds that are now all liquid (Boo) so I am feeling quit well. (I posted this belly shot to show how I'm doing and for people considering gastric that the scaring is minimal...please don't use this pic for any other projects with out my

I leave for PA to see my surgeon for my first post op appointment as well as to see my Wifey and Son who I miss so much. The plan is to return to MD for one more week of recovery after my appointment. I will be blogging more as the days go on, I have many tips, recipes and products to tell all you who are walking this journey as well. So keep checking back.
Here is a photo of me now...You can see the weight loss in my face from my first bloggs.

1 comment:

  1. Michael, I am proud of you keep up the good work. "being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus".
    You definitely have the gift of writing like your Dad, and the lack of spelling like your Dad, but what about
